I have worked on a wide range of projects. From web apps to android apps. Here are some of my projects.

Vanilla JSLeaflet JSHTMLCSS
IP-address Tracker
This project enables users to get information about IP addresses all over the world easily with the click of a button along with many other info about it such as its timezone, internet service provider and location information implemented using leafletJS
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Tip Calculator
Tip calculator shows a combination of math with javascript to enable users to calculate tip based on bill amount and also enables employees to divide the amount equally evenly instantly.
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HTMLCSSVanilla JSrest-countries API
Countries around the world
This project enables user to learn more about flags, population, region, capital and much more about various countries around the world which can be sorted based on the continent they belong to and can be accessed easily by searching their name.
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React JsTypescriptTailwind Css
Pathfinding Visualizer
Pathfinfing Visualizer helps you to visualize the path made by various path based algorithms like DFS, BFS, Dijkstra, A-star to reach the destination.
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Rock Paper Scissors
A simple rock paper scissors game application with standard rules combined with an interactive and intuitive interface for people with no friends to play rock paper scissors with.
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Node JsMongoDbTelegrafGemini
Space tourism website
A website dedicated to space enthusiasts passion to travel to space offering various destinations around us and their information on how to reach them based in a hypothetical scenario.
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TODO app
A standard TODO application offered with a unique and interactive layout to fulfil all your daily goals with ease.
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Advice generator
Advice generator is an application whose solo job is to give you random pieces of advice if you ever need one with the push of a button.
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PythonTensorflowKerasopenCVScikit learn
An Image Classification Model for Advertisements: This project involves training a machine learning model to classify whether a given image is an advertisement or not. The model is trained using a dataset of images, and the project includes all necessary code, workflows, and dependencies to reproduce the results.
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ReactAnt DesignGraphQLES6+ JSCSS/Sass
Admin analytics dashboard
A powerful, real-time data visualization tool designed for business administrators which allows seamless data management and offers insights with an interactive and modern user experience.
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Movie Recommend System
A movie recommendation system that uses AI to recommend movies to a person similar to their preference and taste.
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NextJSTypeScriptClerkgetstreamshadCNtalwind CSS
AMIGO-Video conferencing app
Amigo is a robust video conferencing platform that offers secure logins, meetings, screen sharing, and more. Built using Next.js and TypeScript, it replicates popular tools like Zoom. Whether you're scheduling future meetings, joining a session, or managing participants, Amigo provides a seamless user experience.
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NextJSTailwind CSSgraphCMSReactgraphQLMongoDBPostgreSQLmarkdown support
BlogIt-Modern blog app
A feature-rich, fully responsive CMS Blog App built using modern web technologies. Easily manage and publish blog posts, categories, and author information.
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React NativeExpo RouterTailwind CSSRapid APIReanimated
Daily fitness app
Fitness app made to not only track your progress and measure your performance, but also can help you suggest relevant exercises to enhance your features along with the right posture to improve your output.
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React NativeExpo RouterFirebase backendGemini APIFirebase AuthReact Navigation
EUREKA-AI travel planner app
A smart travel assistant that helps you plan trips effortlessly using AI-powered recommendations! A cross platform application that offers a seamless and modern travel planning experience with personalized itineraries, accommodations, and cost estimates all in one place.
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React NativeExpo RouterTailwind CSSPostgreSQL ServerStripe
Halo-Cab booking app
A sleek and efficient cab booking platform with real-time ride matching and secure payment processing. Comes with enhanced user retention and optimized performance during peak hours.
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React NativeExpo RouterSocket IOMongoDBTailwind CSS
Sparkmate-Interactive realtime dating app
A next-generation dating app built with React Native and Expo Router for Android and iOS. Features real-time chat and match management using Socket.IO and MongoDB. Enhanced user engagement with an interactive design and real-time updates
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NextJSTailwind CSSClerk-authenticationopenAI-apitypescriptshadCN-ui
Podcastr-AI based podcast generation application
The AI Podcast Platform is a state-of-the-art AI SaaS platform that empowers users to create, discover, and enjoy podcasts. It offers advanced features like text-to-audio conversion with multi-voice AI, podcast thumbnail generation, and seamless playback functionality.
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ReactJSVite build toolSolidity smart contractsGiphy APIVercel deploymentTailwind CSS
Krypt-crypto market transaction app
A Web 3.0 based decentralized application that enables users to seamlessly send transactions over the blockchain technology, with each transaction being permanently recorded securely on blockchain.
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Laptop Price Predictor
Laptop Price Predictor predicts you the price of a device you have/aspire to have based on the provided laptop specification. This can also act as a guide for someone who has less knowledge about laptops in general.
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reactJSMaterialUI designRapid-APIAxiosNetlify deploymentReact Router DOM
Miru Video streaming application
A video streaming platform with various enhanced features added that sets itself apart from existing ones.Features include custom sections for improved user experience, categorized content for easy navigation, responsive video cards and channel pages, seamless video playback within the app and much more.
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ReactJSNLTKPythonCSSPytorchDeep LearningFeedforward Neural Network
chatbot application
AI Chatbot made using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Integrated with APIs (Weather API, Movie API) and also parsing data from wikipedia using the wikipedia library in python. Also created a user interface for the chatbot using ReactJS, ensuring a seamless and interactive user experience.
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mongoDBreactJSexpressJSnodeJSreact nativeexpo routertypescript
SurgiPlanPRO-Hospital management application
A comprehensive hospital management system designed as both a web application and mobile app. The project includes standard features such as user authentication (login and signup), patient and doctor management, and a unique feature—operation timetable scheduling—implemented using a priority queue algorithm in JavaScript
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NextJSClerkNextJS app routerMongoDBTailwind CSSZodTypescriptShadCN
PULSE-Social media application
A full stack social media application with a redesigned look, user interaction to community management, technical implementation, and various features, including nested deep comments, notifications, real-time-search, and much more.
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pythonjupyter notebookselenium webdriverweb-scraping
Instagram web scraping app
Instagram web scraping application made using selenium for easy debugging and monitoring of code. This application can help scrape various aspects of instagram like posts, thumbnails etc and can act as a really helpful tool for content creators and social media managers.
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vanilla JavaScriptKaboomJSvercel-deployment
space invaders arcade game
It is a popular arcade game developed by Tomohiro Nishikado and published in 1978, cloned using JavaScript in this repository. You can customize the animations, collisions and sound effects of the game just the way you like by cloning this repository and re-creating it by yourself.
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C++Raylib libraryMinGW GCC compiler
Tetris game built with the C++ programming language and the raylib library. The game uses various raylib functions for graphics, input handling, and audio and can be played on Windows, macOS, and Linux computers.
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HTMLCSSVanilla JavaScriptChrome API
Video timestamp chrome extension
Extension that allows users to add and save timestamps from YouTube videos for future reference. This solves the challenge of remembering or manually noting down timestamps, making it highly useful for anyone who frequently references specific moments in videos.
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React NativeChatGPTReact Navigationtailwind CSSBabelDall-E image generation
Voice assistant app
A voice assistant application developed for both platforms Android and IoS using React Native and chatGPT API for easy communication available for free. This can also act as a great tool for people with partial or complete blindness or any other kind of vision impediment.
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nextJSmetamasksolidity contractshardhatdapp
VOTEX-decentralized voting application
A blockchain based electoral voting system build by implementing decentralization in order to enhance its security. This project has been made using NextJS, solidity, MetaMask and hardhat. Can be used for personal and commercial applications easily.
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pythonselenium webdriverxmlexcel
whatsapp automated bot
Web WhatsApp Bot developed in python using Selenium. Using this application you can enhance your whatsapp functionality like scheduling multiple messages for various contacts automatically using Selenium code. You can also add Names of the contact you want to send message in the Contacts.txt file.
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streamlitPythonNLTKPandasMatplotlibStreamlit CloudSeabornWordcloud
Whatsapp chat analyzer
This project is a Streamlit-based web application designed to help you analyze your WhatsApp chat exports. By leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, this app provides insights into your conversations, such as message frequency, most active participants, emoji usage, and more.
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NextJSStripe paymentAdmin dashboardPayload CMSTypescriptTailwind CSS
YUGEN-ecommerce store of the modern generation
An ecommerce web application made using NextJS offered with an intuitive interface. This application offers easy checkin checkout functionality for customers while purchasing using Stripe payment that offers a wide range of payment options. Combined with an interactive layout developed using Tailwind CSS, this application overall can be your single stop for online shopping.
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React NativeSocketIOReduxNodeJSGifted chat UIReact navigation
TalkAlot-Realtime chat app
A simple chat application that offers realtime communication features for users presented in an interactive layout. This application is available on both Android and iOS for easy cross platform communication.
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PythonJupyter notebooklangchainllamallmretrieval-augmented generationweb scraping
Finance advice Chatbot application
A chatbot that uses llama-2 family of models and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to answer your finance-related questions and cite its sources on your CPU.
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